- http://api.cashbackos.com/affport/postback? => Base URL, replace your domain name
- network_id=1 => Network ID on your cashback system, to be hardcoded for each network, mandatory
- &network_campaign_id=999 => Network campaign ID, optional
- &transaction_id=2323232122 => Network transaction ID, mandatory
- &status=confirmed => Transcation status, mandatory, if not available, hard code to pending, case sensetive
- &sale_amount=10 => Sale Amount / order amount, optional
- &base_commission=44 => Commission, mandatory
- ¤cy=INR => Currency of commission value, mandatory, set INR as default if not available from the network
- &aff_sub1=2 => Extra parameter 1, mandatory
- &aff_sub2=2 => Extra parameter 2, optional
- &aff_sub3=3 => Extra parameter 3, optional
- &aff_sub4=4 => Extra parameter 4, optional
- &aff_sub5=5 => Extra parameter 5, optional
- &commission_id=99999 => Network commission ID, optional
- &order_id=OR10001 => merchant order ID, optional
- &sale_date=jan%2020%202020 => sale date ID, optional, if not set, it will refer current date
- &sale_date_unix=1593419505 => sale date ID (uniq format), optional, if not set, it will refer current date
Replace the values with short-codes from each network or hard-code with a campaign or goal-specific amount.
Information with blue background needs to be from your cashback system, whereas with yellow background to be from network variables.
Use any ONE of sale_date and sale_date_unix based on what's supported in the network.
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