Laraback: Image / icon standard specification

Here is the specification details for various images to be used on the laraback

Important: Make sure to compress images by processing via or similar other tools

Website Logo
  • Size: 240 X 40px
  • Transparent background
  • font icon with dark color scheme
  • Size: 48 X 48 px
  • Transparent / other color background
  • Icon with dark color scheme
Main slider banner
# Desktop
  • Size: 1200px X 400px
  • Color: any
  • Size: lesser is preferred, the ideal is less than 50kb

# Mobile
  • Size: 425px width X 220 to 260px height
  • Color: any
  • Size: lesser is preferred, ideal is less than 50kb

Store logo
  • 180px to 250px width X 50px to 60px height
  • Background: Transparent preferred but colored or white is also fine
  • Keep all logos of the same size for consistentancy at all places

Product Daily Deals
  • 175px to 300px width X 175px to 300px height
  • Background: Coloured or white is also fine
Other images/icons

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